SSMM is an organization based on the self-help principle. We recieve funds and subsidies from the Municipality of Oslo and The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs. The organization is administrated and run on a daily basis by men who themselves have been victims of sexual abuse.
SSMM is a NGO, hence a supplement and an alternative to the public sosial and health service provided, not a part of it. Our primary audience is men whom have been sexually victimized as children and/or as adults, their legal guardians or partners. We also target professionals, students and next of kin of the assaulted, and other people affected by the controversy of sexual abuse, who may be in need of education, councelling and assistance. We offer individual councelling, couples and family councelling, group sessions and activity nights. We also provide contact to other social and health services.
Tel: 22 42 42 02
Telephone are open Mon-Fri: 12:00 – 18:00
We do not have a telephone guard – if we do not answer, leave a message on the answering machine, we will contact you as soon as possible. If you do not leave a message on the answering machine, we do not have the opportunity to contact you. Contact us by phone or email, and we will set up together a time for a conversation.
(Nationwide telephone: 800 57 000 – Open 24 hours a day)